
解碼高維時空:對能量、現實、意識和生命的深入洞察 | Decoding higher spacetime dimensions

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德國物理學家布爾克哈德·海姆的 <統一場論>, 佛教裡的空界/法界,易經講述天人地,之間的關聯是什麼?

生活在肉眼裡的四維世界,要怎麼樣提升自我到高維觀法? 又為什麼需要提升? 跟生命有什麼關係?

什麼是身心靈? 生命的目的是什麼? 幸福安康的秘密偷偷告訴你


能量哪裡來? 能量變化怎麼找? 現代高科技怎麼幫忙?

生命太多的未知,所謂的 已知只是冰山一角,



What is the connection between German physicist Burkhard Heim’s unified field theory, the realm of space/dharma in Buddhism, and the I Ching’s story about heaven, man and earth?

Living in the four-dimensional world, how can we improve ourselves to a higher-dimensional perspective? Why? And What is it for life?

What is body, mind and soul? What is the meaning of life? In this webinar, we will tell you this secret of happiness and health is

Enterprises got conscious, energy collision, and energy changes, what is the impact? What is the relationship with corporate profits?

Where does energy come from? How to find energy changes? How does this high technology help us?

There are still many unknowns in life, and what we know is just the tip of the iceberg.

With experts, let's explore the mysteries of energy, consciousness, and life together. And see where it leads us!

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